Ways to Give Back
Community Rebates
Rebate and rewards programs provide easy ways for everyone in the SMES community to support St. Martin’s all year long. Check out the PTO's rebate & rewards program flyer to learn more about how you can be an Everyday Warrior. Click the links in the flyer to sign up for the programs.
For more information about each of the programs that benefit SMES, expand the "Rebates Program" menu below.
We ❤️ SMES Teachers!
Show your kids' lead, assistant, and co-curricular teachers how much you appreciate them! With just ONE donation this year, you can help provide the following THREE things to ALL of your children's teachers and SMES staff: 1- a cash Christmas gift; 2- a cash end-of-year gift; and 3- daily treats during SMES Teacher Appreciation Week. Click the button below to donate today!
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