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Religion & Chapel

St. Martin's Episcopal School is a Christian community whose mission integrates spiritual formation into all aspects of the educational experience. St. Martin's is true to its mission to educate the whole person in a loving, Christian atmosphere which fosters lifelong learning. Our mission is and lived out in a graceful and dignified manner within chapel, the classroom, and service-learning which are  hallmarks of the Episcopal approach to education. Our mission to form students spiritually is visible in the following ways:

Morning Devotion

All homeroom teachers begin the day with a morning devotion. These range from reading daily devotionals, inspirational quotes or saying prayers together. Each morning meditation helps set a tone for the rest of the day’s work.

Weekly Chapel Service 

Each Tuesday, the school gathers in the church for chapel. The chapel format pulls from the rich diversity of liturgies from The Episcopal Church. . We gather to worship, read scripture, hear a chapel talk and sing hymns. All members of the community are welcome regardless of spiritual or religious tradition.

Monthly Eucharist 

One Tuesday per month, the lower and middle schools gather for Holy Eucharist, also known as Communion or The Lord’s SupperAll baptized Christians regardless of denomination may receive communion, and all persons may approach the altar to receive a blessing from the chaplain, who is a priest ordained in The Episcopal Church.

Religion Class 

Meaningful, academically substantive and age-appropriate religion courses are taught at every grade level. Topics include Bible Basics, Church History, Old Testament, New Testament, World Religions, Philosophy and Ethics.

Service Learning

As an Episcopal School, we hold that what we do is a reflection of what we believe and how God moves within us. Students and teachers plan divisional and grade-level service projects that help students connect with what God is doing in their lives, and the lives of those served. Students learn important spiritual, ethical, and moral lessons which reveal who we are in relation to God and our neighbors.

Chapel Performances

Episcopal Identity - Bishop Robert Wright

Religion Curriculum